BoliviaBella has had so many requests for Bolivian desserts! Apparently our readers really have a sweet tooth - which is great! So do we! You'll notice many desserts in Bolivia are made with fruit, especially in central, northern and eastern Bolivia where the climate is more tropical and fruit is abundant. Check out my section on
Bolivian fruit for pictures and additional information on some of the most common fruits in Bolivia, as well as their flavors and uses.

Chocolate and coconut are also two very common ingredients in Bolivia, especially in the eastern tropical region of Bolivia where there are large coconut palm and cacao tree plantations. In recipes that use coconut, always preserve the coconut milk when you crack open a coconut. You'll usually need to use it.
In Bolivian recipes that use chocolate, try to get the most natural, organic, pure form you can. That's because in Bolivia our chocolate comes directly from the cacao fruit, which you can purchase commonly in markets and supermarkets. The chocolate is made from the large seeds you find inside it, after cleaning off the gooey pulp that surrounds them. (Many people use the pulp to make juice.) The seeds are dried out or toasted and then pulverized - this is what chocolates around the world are made from. You'll also see many recipes use different types of dairy products like evaporated milk, condensed milk, heavy cream, and "dulce de leche" or "manjar de leche".
Below you'll find a list of Bolivian dessert recipes. Keep in mind that if you cannot find the Bolivian fruit necessary for them, in many of these recipes you can replace them with fruit that is similar in flavor or texture (pears for apples, tangerines for oranges, etc.)