6 Fascinating Facts About Bolivia To Impress Your Friends

by Kricket

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca

This week we are going to tell you a 6 facts about Bolivia that will impress your friends.

6 Fascinating facts about Bolivia that will impress your friends:

#1 La Paz is called the highest capital city in the world at almost 12,000 feet above sea level, although the original capital of Bolivia is actually Sucre.

#2 Not only that, we also have the worlds LARGEST butterfly sanctuary housing hundreds of different butterflies, including the monarch butterfly.

#3 This one is also one of the big greats of the world but not in a happy way. We have the most dangerous road in the world. "The Road of Death."

#4 In the Andes mountains some people live up 13,000 ft in the air. That's how high some planes fly. In fact, clouds go through living rooms sometimes.

This video by Expedia has many lovely photos and facts about Bolivia:

#5 The Salar the Uyuni, more commonly referred to as "The Salt Desert", is the biggest salt deposit in the word.

#6 Lake Titicaca which I talked about in one of my last blogs, is also the highest and deepest navigable lake in the world.

Man we sure know how to make pick a country. We have some of the biggest, highest, most dangerous or fascinating things in the world.

So here's today's question, the butterfly sanctuary has lots of butterflies, right? How many types of butterflies do you think there are in that butterfly sanctuary? It's called Mariposario Guembé. I'll give a shout out to the first person who finds out and lets us know in the comments below!

Video source:https://youtu.be/4ZxgBQA7cuY

Source, photo of children: https://pixabay.com/photos/children-bolivia-laughing-3648392/

Submitted 2015-02-17

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Apr 30, 2015
Shakeela Bano
by: Anonymous

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Feb 24, 2015
Brian is right
by: Kricket

Brian is correct! There are more than 60 species of butterflies there!

Feb 22, 2015
by: Maria

The Salar de Uyuni is also the world's largest lithium reserve, with anywhere between 50-80% of the world's lithium, which is used in medicines and to make batteries.

Feb 18, 2015
My guess
by: Mark

I will guess you have 100 species of butterflies.

Feb 18, 2015
# de mariposas
by: Bryan Thayer

más de 50 especies de mariposas!

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