Adopt Debt Free? You Bet!

by Sue Merriam
(Arcadia OK)

International adoptions can be expensive; it cost us more than $30,000 to bring our daughter home from Guatemala! When you take into consideration the agency fees, international fees, and travel costs, as well as all the necessary paperwork, building your family through adoption can be an intimidating prospect.

But the good news is, you can adopt, and pay for that adoption without going into debt. My husband and I adopted all three of our children debt free. So can you. Here are some tips.

Ask For Help

As the old saying goes, many hands make a burden light, and whether you plan on having a garage sale or two or thinking about organizing a benefit dinner to help with adoption expenses, your fundraisers will be far more successful if you have others helping you.

So do ask for help from friends, family and people in your church. Send a letter out to everyone you know telling them of your plans to adopt and ask them for their support.

Keep Everyone Informed

Whether it's for prayer and emotional support or for help with fundraisers, others will be better equipped to help you if they know what's going on with your adoption process. Send out regular newsletters and emails apprising everyone on what's new.

Create a Website

A website is a great way to let everyone know what's new with your adoption journey. Better still, you can announce fundraisers, receive donations and even sell items off your website.

Have More than One Fundraiser

It's always wise to plan several fundraisers while you are waiting for the green light to travel and pick up your child, and some fundraisers may work better for you than others. Try different ways to raise your adoption funds.

Want more information about raising funds for your adoption? Check out my book "Adopt Debt Free": Click Here!

Sue Merriam is one of the Expat Experts featured on the South America Expat Community and Forum. View more articles about international adoption in her International Adoption Reading Room

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