Alternative Medicine/Reiki in Sucre?

by Ali Weisz
(Sucre, Bolivia)

Hi! My friend and I are two 25 year old girls and we have been staying in Sucre for about a month now. My friend had a bad fall while rock climbing and has a possible fracture in her coxsix/tailbone (we can't tell because the X-rays she took on two different occasions didn't have enough contrasts). Anyways in the states my friend used a lot of accupuncture and other energy healings with various injuries and I wanted to know if anyone knew of a place in sucre to buy Chinese herbs or receive other types of energy work? Thanks!!!

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Jan 31, 2013
Rocking Climbing in Sucre
by: David Vincent

Sorry to hear about your injury - but I'd be really interested to hearing about the climbing!!

What's it like?

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