Amboro EcoResort in Buena Vista, Bolivia

I am not looking to post anything but rather looking to see if anyone has information on Amboro EcoResort in Buena Vista, Bolivia. Has anyone stayed there within the last year or so. All of the links and email address on Web (to inquire) are broken. I am specifically looking at three things:

Price per day and per week.
High-Speed Internet connection.

They did answer the phone when I called but no one there knows English. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you - Jen

Comments for Amboro EcoResort in Buena Vista, Bolivia

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Jun 28, 2009
Internet Cafe in Buena Vista
by: Jen

Thank you for the prompt information. This site has been very helpful. I will recommend this to a friend.

Warm regards,

Jun 26, 2009
eco resort amboro information
by: Bella Webmaster

Hi Jen
I just spoke on the phone with Eco Resort Amboró and they assure me that all the information on my website is correct including the phone numbers, email address and website address. However, they are not able to explain to me why their website is down right now. I asked them if they have any English-speaking personnel. They replied that you can write in English to the following person and email to make your reservation in English.
Fabiola Chavez

If you have any further trouble, please contact me through my TELL BELLA page and send me a secure message with your email address. That way I can answer you directly by email off-website.

Hope this is helpful. The Eco Resort and BuenaVista are located in a beautiful area and are the gateway to Amboro National Park. I really like the Eco Resort and have stayed there several times myself so if you need any more info, let me know.

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