Attractions in Santa Cruz in Mid April


Hi, we are planning a tour in Santa Cruz area and will be 8-9 days. What are the most recommended points? from April the 14th til April the 22nd. 4 adults (56 years old). Thanx and all the very best/ Geva

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Feb 22, 2011
Santa Cruz Bolivia
by: Ruta Verde Bolivia

Well what you can do all depends on your interests. Personally I would recommend the Jesuit Missions as well. If you are into nature, a beautiful lodge on the way to Samaipata is Refugio Los Volcanes.

You could visit Biocentro Güembé for half a day or a full day.

If you want to travel further the Reina de Enin boat trip that starts from Trinidad is a nice option as well. You can see river dolphins, caimans, many birds etc.

Enjoy your stay!

Best regards, Gijs Dijkshoorn
Ruta Verde Bolivia

Feb 22, 2011
Tourist attractions in Santa Cruz Bolivia in April 2011
by: Bella

Hi Geva!

First of all, you and your group will be in Santa Cruz just in time for the VIII International Theater Festival which will take place April 7-17. Be sure to subscribe to my blog or check my blog often (just click the green "Hot Off the Press!" button to your left) because I'll be posting announcements on that event.

Two of my favorite places: Samaipata and Concepción.

Here's my list of the top 100 things to do in Santa Cruz.

I hope others will give you their opinions and ideas on their favorite things to do and places to see in Santa Cruz too!


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