Basic Cost of Living per Week
by Ken
Hello, I am planning a trip to Santa Cruz, Bolivia in april/may 2010 and plan to stay 1-3 months,then comeback and decide what I want to do. I also plan to spend some time in Tarija toward the end of my stay and am adjusted a bit. I have a friend who has lived there the past 4 years and is married w/child now. So, I have a contact to help me along and provide some basics before/after I arrive, I beleive this a huge benefit. Though he has assured me of alot of things I would just like to get some second opinions so I can budget this out correctly. I get a monthly settlement so I will have some funds available at budget, though I plan my initial visit budget based off what I spend here in the US...
I know that this expenses depends greatly on one's lifestyle but I am asking about the medium range expense of local life. My friend has told me what he has been living on the past year and most of what I read (the little I can find) online from other visitors contradicts this on living in Santa Cruz...Though I am finding plenty that agrees with it as well.
Basically I am wanting to know the rough average cost of living per week for single 38 yr old man. I plan to go out at night to pubs maybe 2-3 nights a week, the other nights I will plan to just chill at my place or I really I don't know .Depending on cooking appliances I will either eat medium range(?) food and cook and have my own groceries. I don't plan to do or buy a whole lot as far as tourist style things go, I am more interested in food,drink,life etc..Pretty much I am wanting to know the cost of what a local resident would spend doing similar things in a 7 day period ???
To give an idea in short :
Taxis(to where I cant walk)
Food 2 meals a day ( 1 dining out)
Bars 2 nights a week
Groceries/living supplies (7 days)
Again I know it varies depending on lifestyle, but I would just like a general idea. Thanks