Bolivia Consulate

(Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia)

"How do I find a Bolivian consulate?" is a common question we receive through our Bolivia Visa Forum. If you plan to travel to Bolivia you need to be aware that citizens of many countries are required to obtain a travel visa to visit the country. Depending on your travel purpose (whether you're touring or moving to Bolivia) you will either need a tourist visa (visa de turista) or a specific purpose visa (visa de objeto determinado). These can be obtained from the Bolivian consulate nearest you. (In countries that have both an embassy and a consulate, you would contact the consulate. Embassies don't usually handle immigration or visa matters unless there is no consulate nearby).

1. To find a Bolivian consulate in your country you can simply contact your local telephone company's information number and ask for the Consulate of Bolivia, Consul General of Bolivia, or Bolivian Consulate. They may be listed in Spanish. Try asking for the Consulado General de Bolivia, Consulado de Bolivia, Consulado Boliviano, or Consulado del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.

If they respond that there is no listing, try asking them for a number to the Embassy of Bolivia or Bolivian Embassy. Or in Spanish, Embajada de Bolivia, Embajada Boliviana, or Embajada del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.

2. There are websites that have databases of embassies and consulates around the world. You can find a Bolivian consulate or embassy by visiting sites like and These two sites seem to be updated quite often.

3. Another way to find a Bolivian consulate is to go to the website of the Bolivian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Bolivia - Cancilleria)

On the top menu bar click on CONTACTOS. Then, on the menu that drops down, click on Representaciones de Bolivia en el Exterior (Representatives of Bolivia in Foreign Countries). This will open a page that allows you to search for Embassies (Embajadas) or Consulates (Consulados) by country.

4. If you speak Spanish, you can contact the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores directly. Click on CONTACTO on their website to send them an email (their email address is: or contact them here:

Address: Plaza Murillo c. Ingavi esq. c. Junín
Phones: +591-2-240-8900 or +591-240-9114 or +591-240-8595
Fax: +591-2 240-8642 or 240-8905

Click here to search for a Bolivian Consulate now.


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