Bolivian Quinoa Grain and Fruit Cereal

You can make delicious Bolivian cereal with one of the world's healthiest grains (quinoa) in just a few steps. Bolivia is now exporting quinoa to numerous countries and it's becoming easier to find in stores in North America and Europe where people are learning about the amazing healthy qualities of quinoa.


1 cup of quinoa grains***
1 cup of All-Bran cereal
1 cup instant oatmeal
3 cups of Cornflakes
3 cups of another flaked cereal - your fave
1 cup of golden raisins
1 cup of mixed dried fruits
1 cup finely chopped walnuts (optional)

***You can purchase Quinoa - 1.75 Lb Jar Each online at


Pour your quinoa grains and instant oatmeal into a dry (not oiled) covered pan and toast until the quinoa bursts (this occurs in a manner similar to popcorn), stirring constantly to avoid burning.

If you can get the actual puffed quinoa at a store near you, you can skip this step but you'll still have to toast the oatmeal flakes (or bake them) just a bit.

When cool, place all of the above ingredients into a covered Tupperware container or inside a bag and shake until they are thoroughly mixed.

Not TOO naughty: add 1/2 cup of organic chocolate/carob chips which you can get at here:

Chocolate Chips, Semi-Sweet, w/Sugar, Organic, 9 oz.

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