I'm not sure this Bolivian snacks page is correctly named. Bolivians aren't really "snackers". In this culture it's customary for almost everyone to enjoy a "merienda" which is a mid-morning coffee or tea at about 10 a.m. with something (usually fried or baked goods or pastries like salteñas). We generally call these salty treats "horneados" which very literally means "baked goods". But in order to not confuse this with sweet baked desserts, let's just call them snacks for now.

It's also customary to break at tea time (around 5 pm) for "tecito" when everyone has more tea or coffee and more fried or baked goods. Bolivians are not such sweet tooths as people in other countries. It's more common to break for tea with something salty than sweet.
Bolivians also not big dessert eaters. Most people enjoy pastries on special occasions like birthdays, Mothers Day, and other holidays. However, the cafés here are almost always brimming full around tea time and since there are always some who enjoy sweets, pastry shops are very common as well and everyone offers a variety of both sweet and salty goodies. So because we have the two traditional times set aside to eat between meals already (in the mid-morning and in the mid-afternoon), it isn't really common for Bolivians to snack a lot other than that.
In addition, you don't see people walking around on the street carrying and eating food like you do in some countries. It's just not considered polite. However, you do see people enjoying ice cream and other traditional Bolivian snacks (like toasted peas, sugared peanuts or espresso coffee) in parks and plazas, on street corners where candy and snack vendors have set up. You also almost NEVER see people eating while they drive (although some passengers might) or while riding on a city bus. It's just not cool. These are some of the foods we enjoy at merienda and tecito, our two "snack" times.