Can anyone suggest a romantic hotel near Santa Cruz?

I am looking for a romantic hotel near santa cruz, 2 hours away at the most. around 100 dollars a night is the top of my budget. Any suggestions?

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Feb 11, 2012
by: Marcos

Amigo,se voce se dispoe a pagar ate 100 dolares por noite,nao precisa perguntar neste site se alguem indica.Basta chegar la e ir para qualquer um que voce pagara menos disto.Entao boas ferias.

Jan 23, 2012
Laguna Volcan in Bermejo is a romantic hotel
by: Dave

90 minutes along the road to Samaipata. Get the "romantic weekend," which includes (as best I recall) champagne in your room, a private dinner for two at poolside or in one of the cabanas, after which you return to your room to find it candlelit and awash in rose petals. There are nature hikes, bird watching, a huge swimming pool, magnifient views of the red colored cliffs, and, if you get bored, golf. There's also a somewhat ratty grass tennis court, and you can drive floting golf balls into the lake. Did I mention that there's a lake?)

El Pueblito in Samaipata is also nice, and has its own chapel if you should suddenly decide to make an honest woman of her. The rooms are like the buildings of a little town -- carpenter shop, blacksmith, weavery, etc. There's usually a bonfire at night, complete with marshmallows to roast (assuming you consider that romantic).

Jan 23, 2012
A romantic hotel in Santa Cruz
by: jeff

I cannot say that Los Tajibos is a romantic hotel but it has all the services that you could want to help you make it romantic. I would suggest buying some chocolate from Manjar de Oro...avenida Los Americas...just ask the hotel they will help you find it...also they can help with any ther acomodations you might want

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