Can you suggest an affordable, safe hotel in Santa Cruz?

Hi Bolivia Bella, My husband and I will be in Santa Cruz for a few nights next month, and were wondering what is a good hotel option that is affordable and yet in a safe area?

Thank you

Comments for Can you suggest an affordable, safe hotel in Santa Cruz?

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Jul 05, 2016
70 dollars
by: Fred Staff

The Hotel Canciller on Agacucho has a great staff who works hard to make your stay pleasant. It is located three blocks from the Central Plaza and there are plenty of good resturants in the area. The rooms are large and comfortable with heat and air. They have a taxi company that they work with and they are just as hospitable as the hotel staff. When the weahter gets nicer they have a pool with waterfalls and a sauna. I'll go back!!!

Oct 04, 2012
See our Bolivia hotel pages

Our hotel page lists hotels in Santa Cruz by type (5-star, 4-star and inexpensive). Since everyone's idea of "affordable" is different, if you suggest a price range of some sort I could be more specific in my suggestions... :) Bella.

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