Can you take a pet parrot from the US to Bolivia?

Can you take a pet parrot from the US to Bolivia? Can you refer me to policies concerning this? Thanks.

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Jul 31, 2011
is it an endangered or protected parrot species?
by: Anonymous

If your parrot is on the endangered species list, or protected species list, then no, you won't be able to. Animal trafficking is the most financially lucractive international crime after drug trafficking so there are extremely serious laws about animal trafficking.

You might want to check the IUCN Red List to see if your particular parrot species is on it.

You might also consider contacting your airline to see if they know anything. Also, ask them if they will even allow a parrot to go as cargo. Some airlines don't allow certain animals because they don't want to be responsible for their health or lives if anything happens.

You would also need to check with Bolivian immigration and/or customs to see if Bolivia has any particular reason your parrot would not be allowed in.

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