Clavo y Canela Cafe in Sucre Bolivia: Would Someone Please Give Them a Sign?

(Sucre, Bolivia)

Perfectly textured masaco de yuca and

Perfectly textured masaco de yuca and

Clavo y Canela Café in Sucre, Bolivia needs a bigger sign! Actually, they just need a sign! Their masaco de yuca, which is actually typical to Santa Cruz, is deserving of better publicity. Like a true camba (which I'm not but I've lived here so long I think I am) I started yearning for my daily tecito (coffee or tea) sometime in the late afternoon. Thank God the good citizens of Sucre have tecito time too. Some regions of Bolivia don't.

Clavo y Canela Café needs to do a better job of promoting themselves. This midsized cafe is located right on the edge of the pretty Plaza Cochabamba, just two blocks from Sucre's 25 de Mayo central plaza, but I would have never found out about it if it hadn't been recommended to me by my friend Monica (owner of the Hostería El Recreo). They have no permanent sign. Sometime in the afternoon they just hang out a plastic sign on a nail when they're getting ready to open, and they take it down again when they're closed. Big mistake if you ask me.

We wandered in at about 4:30 p.m. and it was completely empty. It's a shame too, because it's a pretty pleasant place. It's located right next door to the Candelaria Travel Agency (they do have a permanent sign). They have a small dining area as you walk in, and a larger courtyard dining area beyond that. We chose to sit in the courtyard. They have some really beautiful Tarabuco weavings on the walls. The rest of the decor is somewhat stark and minimalist with metal and glass tables and red plastic chairs. Somehow it all worked out nicely, however.

Bolivians don't eat much at tea time, just coffee or tea and one of the typical accompaniments which is either something sweet (cheesecake, pie, cake) or more often than not, something salty (a wide variety of cheese or meat empanadas, masaco, zonzo, etc.) I chose the masaco de yuca which is boiled yucca (manioc) mashed with jerked pork and then baked, either in the oven or more typically, over hot coals. Clavo y Canela Cafe makes pretty good masaco de yuca. It was deliciously toasty on the outside and fluffy on the inside. The texture was perfect with a capital P. The tinto (super thick black coffee served with milk and sugar) was very, very good. My son had lemonade, which was also very good, though a bit too sweet.

Clavo y Canela Café is open only from 3:00 - 8:00 p.m. They serve all the typical Bolivian teatime accompaniments, both salty and sweet. They also offer sandwiches and salads plus hot and cold beverages. The prices were very economical and worthwhile. It's a nice place to sit back and relax for a while after traipsing around Sucre all day. It's also shaded because the courtyard has a roof.

I'm not sure why they don't take better advantage of their extremely good location and just put up a sign already. Every other cafe we saw was absolutely packed during teatime in Sucre. I think they are missing out on a great opportunity by not letting people know they exist. At least, that's what the delicious masaco is telling me.

Clavo y Canela Café
Plazuela Cochabamba
J. J. Pérez No. 301
Phone: (591-4) 645-7142

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Jan 19, 2012
by: Maria

Help! I've been to Sucre several times and on one occassion had lemonade. I get it every time now. It had a greenish tint to it. LOVED it! It has a unique flavor..nothing like in the States. Had similar lemonade in Santa Cruz. I guess it could be a mix for all I know but I don't think so. Any idea what particular lemon it is made of or if it is a mix? I'd love to be able to repicate it at home but doubt I'll be back to Sucre for several years. If you found anything out about it I'd be most appreciative.


In Bolivia lemonade is made from both the pulp AND the zest (the peeling). That is what gives real Bolivian lemonade it's greenish tint and also the different flavor you mention. Try chopping your lemons, removing the seeds and blending them peeling and all next time you make your lemonade. :-) Bella.

Jul 16, 2011
Tea Time in Bolivia
by: M Mederos

One of the cultural differences that I got used to, and still miss, about Bolivia was the five-ish tea time...which is tea, hot cocoa or coffee...with a pastry (sweet or salty) of some sort. This also happens about ten-ish in the am, and as far as I remember, it's just called 'merienda', but it's the same fare.

One thing about Bolivia is the AMAZING variety of breads, pastries, filled-pies, and 'mashed-you-name-it's' made from all sorts of ingredients, that taste SO YUMMIE...and that are unique to Bolivia, as far as I know.

Every country has a pastry or bread-substitute or some sort that is the staple of its people...but for the most part, you have to grow up eating that to really appreciate it, since to the rest of us, it tastes like 'nothing', and not in a nice way like say, French bread. But, in Bolivia, a foreigner can taste any of these things and IMMEDIATELY get 'hooked'...and never forget them!

Thanks for this post...I almost imagined myself at a cafe during tea time in Bolivia...ah-h-h! =D
Now, do you have anything to say about 'cuñapes' or 'salteñas'?

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