Cost of rent in Santa Cruz de la Sierra?


Hello, I was wondering how much, on average, a small, simple but fairly safe apartment would cost to rent per month in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
1 bedroom/ 1 bathroom, furnished.

Thank you

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Mar 30, 2012
Also looking
by: Anonymous

I am also looking and have found little below $600 a month. Although it seems to then have a 2 bedroom apartment is only $800, annoyingly for us!
When are you planning? I am struggling to find anything!

Mar 25, 2012
Go to the condominiums
by: Philipp

Not the very cheapest but usually the best bet is to look in the high rises around avenida monsenior, plaza blacutt or elsewhere inside the first two rings. Location is central and its pretty safe as all of them have security at the gates. The easiest way is not to lookm at the newspaper classifieds but to personally go to the lobby of those condos and call the notes that are pinned on boards there. Furnished one bedroom in a nice building is between 450 and 550 with falling tendency in March 2012 because of the growing number of units.

Mar 15, 2012
We paid $300 for a month during Carnaval
by: TallCowboy0614

...for a two-bedroom, 1-bath apartment in the first ring. We usually stay with family, so this is the only experience I have with rent, but we were told we got it really cheap, especially for only a month, and in the first ring, and during carnaval. your experience may vary. SEEMS to me that the 300-400 dollars a month comment, especially for a 1-bedroom, would be a little high though, based on what other family members are paying there, but if you have a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend that has an apartment for rent, you can do better than "average", so who knows.

Along those lines, I would absolutely check with a friend you might have over there, because in Bolivia, you will find, EVERYTHING is cheaper if you have a friend that knows a friend that knows a friend that knows someone that....

Mar 14, 2012
rent in santa cruz
by: Anonymous

expect to pay 300-400 per month.

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