cuts of beef in la paz bolivia

I live here in la paz and i can not figure out what cuts of beef are the same as the ones in the united states. if you know i would love an answer. example rib eye is? flank stank, skirt steak and blad steaks, standing rib roast? i try to explain at the markets but they don't seem to know! thank you!

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Mar 25, 2011
Beef Cut Chart
by: Martin

Yes, it can be confusing. Here in Tarija all the carnicerías (butcherys) have pictures on the wall so you can pick or choose, however you have to know the equivalent in English.

I found the chart on this site helpful - Note however there is a bit of regional variation.

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Mar 25, 2011
names of the cuts of beef in la paz
by: Anonymous

You know it's really hard because there is an endless list of names for beef cuts depending on which country you're in, and in Bolivia they even vary from one region to the next. I think rib eye steak is bife de chorizo, ribs are costillas. Honestly I don't know them in English either.

Maybe you can print out and take them one of these images of beef cuts in Spanish and one of these images of beef cuts in English and show them which cut you want.

Most grocery stores in Santa Cruz have a really large image of a cow up on the wall just like in these images and you can just point and tell the person what you want. Not sure about La Paz, but they probably do. It sounds like you'd have better luck visiting a supermarket and not the open markets (more hygienic too).

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