Bolivia Expat Services, owned by BoliviaBella (this website), offers
destination services in Santa Cruz, Bolivia for incoming expatriates. If you are researching the possibility of moving to Bolivia, we can assist you before and after you arrive!
I'm often asked "what is the difference between relocation services and destination services?" While similar and related, they are not the same thing. I've provided a brief explanation of relocation services here.
Destination services are services we offer after you've arrived in Bolivia. This means you've landed and you have a place to stay, but now you need to get moving on other things that are essential to settling in and living in Bolivia legally, such as applying for residency, getting a driver's license, opening a bank account, and more. Basically, our job is to help ease your transition to a new country. On this page you'll see a full listing of the destination services we offer.

Are You Still Undecided about Moving to Bolivia?
If you are still in the research stage and haven't yet determined whether or not Bolivia is right for you, I encourage you to exhaust every resource available to you. You can ask questions in our public Expat Forum, read through all of the pages in our Live in Bolivia and Bolivia Facts sections, join our BoliviaBella Facebook Group, get in contact with other Expats in Bolivia, and keep up with Bolivia News and current events. All of these are free public resources. However, if you still have questions you'd like answered, consider making use of the BoliviaBella Question and Answer Service.