Does Bolivian govt issue asylum seeker permit or refugee permit to any affected person who need it?????

by stranger

Can anybody tell me, does Bolivian govt issue asylum seeker or refugee permit to any affected person who need it?????

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Jan 07, 2013
Asylum Information
by: Uncle Darrell

Bolivia does have an asylum provision for persons fleeing political prosecution and refugees. There is a booklet called D.S. 24423 Regimen Legal de Migracion and the requirements vaguely are spelled out on page 26 CAPITULO DE LA PERMANENCIA DE ASILADOS Y REFUGIADOA, Articulo 41.

If you are not already in Bolivia, your first step would be to contact the Bolivian Embassy or Consulate nearest you for information. If you are presently in Bolivia contact a GOOD immigration attorney (which is not easy). If you are fleeing a criminal charge, it is doubtful you will be granted asylum and could easily get you arrested and ultimately deported. All transactions involving foreigner require Interpol clearance.

Jan 06, 2013
Does Bolivian govt issue asylum seeker permit or refugee permit?
by: Stranger

@LorriAnne, thanks a lot for throwing a comment on my Title. I was just asking it in general. I heard most of Latin American countries issue asylum seeker permit or refugee permit to the people when its necessary,specially when people come from such environment like Colombia,Burma, Palestine,Syria etc.. where they can't access their minimum basic rights to live, whether its social-economical or political..what does it happen when some one come from Bangladesh with an experience of discriminated social/political issue??? Is there any institute in Bolivia which may guide and help people on related issues what I really need to know? Pls let me know if you can and it will be highly appreciated. Thanks again...

Jan 06, 2013
I'm not sure, but here's a start.
by: Anonymous

With the man in the article, he states he had marijuana on him when he was arrested one time. I don't know if he knows, but marijuana is not legal in Bolivia (last time I checked) and Bolivia might not want an activist who might cause them problems, like he's done in the USA. Bolivia isn't completely anti-drug, though, and that might be what he's relying on.

Which country you are from can affect any host-country's decision, too.

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