Doing a project on bolivia, please help!

What do Bolivians call their priest? Is it father, and the Spanish of this?

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Apr 15, 2013
by: Anonymous

Thank you, this is fantastically helpful! Is this the same for people's titles when they are a Doctor, the mayor, in the police eg a captain or in the military eg a Colonel? Also, if someone is retired from the military, do they still continue to be called by their title?

Apr 13, 2013
How to address a priest in Bolivia
by: Anonymous

When Catholics talk about a priest, we refer to him as "el sacerdote" or "el padre". When we are speaking TO a specific priest we call him "Padre (insert first name)", for example "Padre Juan". When speaking ABOUT a specific priest, we would use the first and last name. For example, "El Padre Juan Sanchez".

Other religions (evangelical, for example) may call their priest a pastor which in Spanish is also "pastor".

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