Easter in Bolivia: Bolivia for Kids

Cute, but in Bolivia it's just not hoppening!

Cute, but in Bolivia it's just not hoppening!

Hello everyone and welcome back. Today is a holiday blog, all about Easter. How does Bolivia celebrate Easter?

Bolivian Easter

In Bolivia, Easter is celebrated religiously, however in some parts of the country, massive bunnies that deliver colored eggs filled with chocolate (seriously, who thought up that idea) are starting to catch on. Image Source.

In Santa Cruz de la Sierra people attend church, rituals, concerts, and processions. Some places to visit during Easter in Bolivia are the Jesuit Missions, left by the Spaniards. They are centuries-old missions that have been renovated. You can hear the locals playing music taught to them by the ancient Spaniards 500 years ago.

The churches all around the nation celebrate "Triduo Pascual" which means the three most important days of Easter: these are good Friday all the way to Resurrection Day. It's all very colorful.

One tradition during Easter in Bolivia is that 12 meals are cooked. One for each of the apostles. It is celebrated the entire week. It starts on Palm Sunday.

So if you're a fan of the Easter Bunny and chocolate eggs, (although you can buy them in some stores for the children) that isn't really a Bolivian Easter tradition.

So that's Bolivian Easter in a nutshell. Now you know a bit about Easter in a different tradition. How is Easter celebrated where you're from?

Video source: https://youtu.be/F85pfeCPBTU

Submitted 2015-03-26

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