"Economic Solvency" Requirement for Residency

by Mark

I'm curious about the economic solvency requirements for residency in Bolivia. I mean is proof of income enough or does that income have to meet a certain threshhold like $1000 per month in Peru or $800 per month in Ecuador? Also how are the economic solvency requirements affected if the applicant had a dependent or spouse?

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Apr 13, 2013
residency visa
by: Anonymous

How many months do we have to show of 300USD for each person? Does that include children?

Mar 07, 2013
Get real
by: Anonymous

There is no way you could realistically, as a foreigner, or retiree, live well in Bolivia on $500 a month.

Mar 04, 2013
Assume SSI retirement amout is sufficient
by: Anonymous

I assume US Social Security retirement amount of $1700/mo is sufficient

Mar 02, 2013
Amount required for Solvency
by: Altiplano Bolivia

Oficially it is USD300 per month per person. However that realistically is not enough, so USD500 per person per month would be more appropriate. www.AltiplanoBolivia.com

Feb 27, 2013
I'm interested in this too
by: LorriAnne

I don't have any input, but I am curious, so I'm commenting so I can get future comments. Thank you for asking!

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