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Facts about Bolivia Home Page in the form of a simple no-frills list of links. If you arrived to this page from the
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Bolivia Facts Home Page
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Fast Facts About Bolivia
A shortlist of interesting facts about Bolivia that make the country famous
Bolivia Facts Site Map
That’s this page. Click on Facts Map to return here if you ever get lost
Fun Facts About Bolivia
How our big Bolivia facts section works. Helps you find facts about Bolivia
Bolivian Facts for Kids
Bolivia for Kids, Bolivia facts for kids and teachers
Bolivia Trivia
Fun, odd, strange, interesting, facts about the country Bolivia and culture
Bolivian Food Facts
Bolivian recipes, restaurants, groceries, markets, food customs
Bolivian Traditions
Bolivian culture and lifestyle plus social, dining, and business customs
History of Bolivia
Four Bolivia history pages: ancient, colonial, post-colonial, and modern
Bolivia Government
Several pages: constitution, types, branches, capital city, independence
Bolivia Geography
Location and topography plus national and local maps, and travel maps.
Bolivian National Emblems
National anthem, flags, national bird, national animal, national flower, etc.
Bolivia Politics
Political parties, structure, voting, political trivia, elections, autonomy
Population of Bolivia
Bolivia population demographics, ethnic groups, immigrants, Bolivia people
Famous People from Bolivia
Famous artists, musicians, politicians, writers, military heroes, and more.
Major Cities of Bolivia
Capital cities, largest cities, best known or most visited cities of Bolivia
Economy in Bolivia: Then and Now
A brief history of the economy of Bolivia plus today's economic trends.
Economy in Bolivia: Statistics
Economy of Bolivia, Bolivian money, Bolivia currency, Natural resources

Bolivian Sports
Traditional Bolivian sports, famous Bolivian athletes, Bolivia sports news
Bolivian Games
Traditional games, usually played at festivals with typical Bolivian music.
Banking in Bolivia
Bolivia currency, banks, Bolivian money, transfer, exchange, conversion
Bolivia Climate
The Bolivian climate by region, weather in Bolivia, seasons, temperatures
Bolivian Festivals and Holidays
Bolivian holidays, public, national, special occasions, festivals, UN, events
Bolivian Myths and Legends
Bolivian legends, beliefs, storytelling, and mythology
Education in Bolivia
Bolivia education, public and private schools, state and private universities
Bolivia News and Current Events
Current events in Bolivia, Bolivia news updated live, newspapers, videos, articles
Wildife in Bolivia
Bolivian birds and animals, endangered species, rainforest videos, zoo
Bolivian Art and Artists
Learn about some famous Bolivian artists
Bolivian Music
Bolivian music types by region, videos, musicians, instruments, dance
Bolivian Sports
All the different sports, athletic activitiies, famous athletes
Bolivian Clothing
A description of typical Bolivia clothes, traditional and modern
Bolivia Religion
The main religions present in Bolivia and indigenous beliefs.
Travel to Bolivia
Bolivia travel and transportation, hotels, airports, airlines, visas
Live in Bolivia
Cost of living in Bolivia, housing, schools, residency, utilities, etc.
Work in Bolivia
How to do business in Bolivia, invest, job search, start a company
Study in Bolivia
Information for foreign exchange students in Bolivia, adult study too
Volunteer in Bolivia
How, where, when and with whom to volunteer in Bolivia