10,000 Fun Facts about Bolivia

See why we now recommend having travel insurance for Bolivia

Facts About Bolivia | Bolivia Facts for Kids | Bolivia Trivia

Find thousands of fun facts about Bolivia along with interesting Bolivia country information. All the Bolivia facts on BoliviaBella (which means beautiful Bolivia) are contributed by real people who live, work and travel here. Explore the following sections to learn fun facts about our people and culture, cities and regions, food and recipes, animals and wildlife, politics and economy, geography, government, tourism destinations, business and trade, and other Bolivia information. Find odd, strange, interesting Bolivia facts and trivia along with serious information and facts about Bolivia for all ages. Each of the Bolivia facts and trivia pages listed below will open up your world to the over 10,000 fun facts about Bolivia we keep adding to this site each day.

Bolivia Facts: La Paz Bolivia is one of the highest cities in the world.

Easily find Bolivia facts and information:

BOLIVIA FACTS HOME PAGE: The green Bolivia Facts button to your left is our Bolivia facts home page. You’ll see that button on every page of this site. As you’re exploring different sections, you can click on it to return to the beginning at any time.

FAST FACTS ABOUT BOLIVIA: We’ve created a short list of interesting facts about the country Bolivia. These are the top odd, strange or fun facts about Bolivia that have made the country famous. These are the attention grabbers that put Bolivia on the map!

INTERESTING BOLIVIA TRIVIA: This really fun section guides you to pages where you’ll find Bolivia fun facts you may not have known about. Like why we wear red underwear on New Years Eve, or the fact that Bolivia has already had a woman president, and lots more. You can also add your own tidbits or questions!

BOLIVIA FACTS SITE MAP: For those of you who just want the straight facts about Bolivia and are looking for information on a specific subject, we’ve made a simple list of individual pages on things like our economy, population, government, maps, flags, history, climate, wildlife, geography, and more.

BOLIVIAN FOOD FACTS: Our Bolivian recipes and food section is huge and one of the most visited. Besides information on Bolivian food you’ll also find restaurants, grocery stores and markets, recipes in Spanish, dining etiquette and customs, and information on Bolivia and its food-oriented culture contributed weekly by our Guest Chef Noly.

BOLIVIA FACTS FOR KIDS: We realize not everyone plans to travel to Bolivia. For kids, teens and teachers we’ve set up this easy page using banners and pictures to make it very easy to find fun facts about Bolivia for school projects and reports. There is a green Bolivia for Kids button at the bottom of every page of the site and on the row of green section buttons to your left as well so no one can ever get lost.

To explore the site in search of fun facts about Bolivia on your own, simply use the green buttons that run down the left side of every page of the site. Each is the home page of a large general section, each containing hundreds of Bolivia fun facts. You can also ask questions in our Forums or Tell Bella.

Facts About Bolivia | Bolivia Facts for Kids | Bolivia Trivia

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