Helado de Canela
(Cinnamon Sorbet)

by Alura Gonzales
(Santa Cruz, Bolivia)

Helado de Canela is from Cochabamba, Bolivia. You’ll need the following ingredients (for up to 8 portions):

5 cups water
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
1 cinnamon stick
2 spoonfuls cold water
1 spoonful corn starch
1 spoonful lemon juice


Boil the five cups of water with cinnamon until it has color, flavor, and diminishes to four cups. Add the sugar and let it boil for five minutes. In the two spoonfuls of cold water dissolve the spoonful of corn starch. Add to the previous preparation. Let it cook for five minutes.

Remove from the heat, and let it cool down a little. Add the spoonful of lemon juice and strain the preparation. Once cold, put the mixture in the freezer. Before it gets completely frozen, stir the sorbet so that it does not get very hard. Repeat this two or three times, until the sorbet is ready.

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Comments for Helado de Canela
(Cinnamon Sorbet)

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Feb 17, 2025
Traditional Bolivian Cinnamon Ice Cream
by: Anonymous

Is not originally from Cochabamba but Oruro.
The best served in the local markets.

May 14, 2018
Very good
by: Anonymous

This recipe worked very well.

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