Hello Charis and Boliviabella from NYC!

by Melissa

NYC Skyline Brooklyn Bridge

NYC Skyline Brooklyn Bridge

Charis: Somehow I found your site from the SBI forums (who can remember where I find anything?) and I LOVE it!!!! What a beautiful, Bolivian haven you have here. I also just got my first newsletter - so much inspiration. Not many places that make me want to leave NYC, but I think Bolivia might be next on the list! I'm currently admiring your success with C2, along with all your other amazing local and travel info on Bolivia and I'm just "wowed."

So, if anyone reading this wants to trade a NYC apartment with a Bolivian apartment for a month...let me know! I can work from anywhere:)

Charis - so very well done! Congrats to you.


Comments for Hello Charis and Boliviabella from NYC!

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Mar 28, 2010
Don't Tempt Me!
by: Melissa

I might very well come down there:) At least after I feel like I have my site up to par. thanks so much for the kind words about my site.

I am constantly learning from yours and you've really made Bolivia look like an amazing to visit and live!

Mar 26, 2010
thanks Melissa your site is great too
by: BoliviaBella

I really appreciate your comments Melissa. Your site is really great too. I spent quite some time on it yesterday. I lived in New York a long time ago so it's going to be really fun catching up on my old haunts and seeing how the city has changed through your site. If you ever want to visit Bolivia, just let me know. Charis

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