How can I get Permanent Residency in Bolivia?

by Gill
(Guarayos, Santa Cruz)

I currently have my second temporary residency visa which lasts for two years, and was wondering if anyone knew what I can get if I want to extend - is it just another temporary residency visa or can I get permanent residency? I would also like to be able to leave the country for more than 3 months, which isn't possible on a temporary residency visa.

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Sep 05, 2014
Permanent (Indefinite) Residency vs. Citizenship in Bolivia
by: Anonymous

After a 2-year residency in Bolivia your next step is to renew for the 5-year residency and then the indefinite residency, which is what you are calling the permanent residency.

Even under the 5-year residency, you still can't travel or live outside of the country for more than 3 months without losing your residency.

So there is one more option and that would be to apply for citizenship in Bolivia. You can apply for citizenship after having lived in Bolivia for 2 full years continuously. Once you have citizenship, there is no limitation to how long you can stay out of the country. But applying for citizenship doesn't guarantee they'll approve it, so it's a risk to apply only in that you don't know if you'll actually be approved.

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