How many times has Bolivia changed currencies?

Bolivia has changed the name and look of its currency several times. Does anyone know exactly how many times has Bolivia changed it currency? And what were each of the currencies called? And why does it do that so much?

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Feb 22, 2012
by: me

how did it used to look? did the look change?

Jul 04, 2011
Bolivian currency
by: BoliviaBella

The Bolivian currency used to be called the "peso". Then, when I was little the currency in Bolivia was called the "peso boliviano". Then in 1985 or so, when inflation rates rose to over 13,000%, the government simply knocked off all the zeros and the name was changed to just the "boliviano". So 1 million pesos bolivianos became 1 boliviano, or something like that. I have a photo my brother took once of me with my arms filled with piles of bills. It was like 10 million pesos bolivianos. But since the exchange rate was 3,600,000 pesos bolivianos equals 1 dollar at the time, all that money was actually only about $2.77 (2 dollars and 77 cents).

So it's been changed at least twice that I know of.

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