How to make bolivian food?

by Jazmyn DAvis
(nun )

How do i make a bolivian food really quick and cheap by tommorrow?

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Nov 10, 2012
bolivian food
by: Lizet

Sounds really yummy. Is that how tehy eat it in the altiplano? I´m from SC and never had something like that. But I´m going to start making it.

May 03, 2012
really good
by: Anonymous

I like it

May 03, 2012
Palta con Queso
by: Teresa J. Brown

Avocado and Cheese Spread (4+ Servings)

Buy 2 ripe(soft)avocados, a quarter pound of cheese and crackers or bread to spread it on.

The Bolivian cheese tastes like Feta.
You can use Feta or any mild cheese that you can grate.

Cut the avocados around the middle ---like the equator.
There is a large pit inside so you won´t be able to make the cut very deeply.

Open the avocados and take the pit out.

With a spoon, scoop out the green and yellow insides into a soup bowl.

Grate the cheese on top of the avocado in the bowl.

Mash the avocado and mix the cheese into it until the mixture is evenly blended.
Add salt to taste.

Spread mixture on crackers,(Ritz), toasted bread or sandwich bread.

Bolivians love to eat this for breakfast or in the afternoon for a snack.


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