I want to migrate to Bolivia for business or set up a apparel industry and have questions

by Sheikh Jahangir Alam

I have existing export oriented garment industry in Bangladesh. Due to unrest of political situation in Bangladesh I want to migrate Bolivia and newly start business.

Firstly I want to observe about workers are available or not? Garment factory is a more populated Industry. I am highly skilled in this sector.

How ever, please inform me in details, about migration, job in apparel sector, set up a factory over there.

Many thanks
Sheikh Jahangir Alam


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Aug 31, 2019
help plz
by: Anonymous

how are u sir...i am looking for making business in Bolivia...how can u help me... i m looking 4 doing business garments,mobile accessories,food and construction etc....plz help by giving proper information...my gmail : bablu0368@gmail.com

Oct 23, 2014
by: johan

hi I'm from Bolivia I am very interested in helping people set up business there if you need help I can find out anything you want out there and give you the information email me
At john.neufeld69@hotmail.com

Aug 22, 2014
Bolivia has a lot of political unrest
by: Anonymous

If you are trying to leave Bangladesh due to political unrest, you should be aware that there is a lot of political unrest in Bolivia too.

Aug 09, 2014
Doing Business in Bolivia
by: Mohammed

The idea of setting up a Business in Bolivia wouldn't be so bad now though it has a huge bad reportation with their political n bureaucratic issues, it all depends on where and which sector you are into.. buzz me on 01712593316 if you are interested to talk about. I am from BD as well.

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