If the prison doesn't want tourists; why let them in?

by Tony

I've never been to Bolivia, but I have read the Marching Powder book, and I found it fascinating.

I don't agree that this is really the fault of the tourists though. What other working prison in the world allows tourists to visit freely?!

In small numbers I don't see the problem - it's a fascinating experience for the tourists, and a money earner for the guides and guards.

It's a prison - and it's the prison authorities that are allowing the tourists to enter. It would be easy to stop tourists getting in - if the prison wanted to stop it.

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Apr 20, 2010
If the prison doesn't want tourists; why let them in?
by: Anonymous

It isn't the prison that doesn't want tourists. Obviously the prison officials, prisoners and guides who organize this tour and profit from it aren't going to stop it.

To me the point the author is trying to make is that tourists do have the choice to "just say no" and by doing so these tours would simply cease to exist.

No demand, no reason to supply.

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