Illegal from Another Country

by Anonymous
(South America)

Hello, We are an American family hoping to move to Boliva in the coming months. However, we currently live in another South American country and our visa ran out 2 weeks ago. We're officially illegals. Can anyone tell us whether this will affect our SPV acceptance into Bolivia when we get the Interpol check done? Are we now considered criminals?!

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Aug 12, 2012
don't take that risk
by: Anonymous

You need to renew your visa in the other country and straighten out your situation there right away, especially if you plan to remain there for another few months. The other country most certainly has some sort of penalty for remaining illegally in their territory.

In Bolivia, for example, the fine is Bs. 20 per day that you remain in-country illegally. You may not be contacted by the immigration officials in your country right now, but when you attempt to leave that country you could be charged a fine at the airport as you leave. That's what they do here in Bolivia. As you are leaving, they tally up the days and right then and there you have to pay in cash the total of all the days you were in Bolivia without the proper visa.

You are not criminals in Bolivia as you are not in Bolivia yet, but you will not be issued SPV visas by the Bolivian consulate in that country, if your current immigration status is not in order.

You mention you are a family. If you are a family with children, you are putting their immigration status at risk as well.

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