I work in an international school in Santa Cruz and I need to import a ton of books for the library. How do I go about doing this without spending way too much money?
try contacting the ministry of education by: Anonymous
I think if you contact the Ministerio de Educacion you could maybe ask them if there is the possibility that books imported for a school could have a special tax break at customs or something because even though you work for a foreign private school, all schools in Bolivia are obligated to follow the Bolivian education regimen. So it would seem to me, that maybe the Ministry of Education could inform you as to which would be the best way to import them, and whether or not there are any tax exemptions you could apply. Just a thought.
Nov 02, 2013 Rating
Ton of books! by: Ben Bandido
What an absurd question? A ton of books you say? Wow that’s rich! Books my good friend is a general word for sets of written, printed, or blank sheets bound together into a volume, it would be very helpful to tell us which school have entrusted you to do this very import task of buying books for their library so we can steer our children clear and as far away as possible from that school. May I suggest before you blow the school funds, you first start with a bit of homework by classifying the types of the needed books first, such as, education and references, history, humor, literature, entertainment, mathematics, law, languages, design, medical, mysteries, fictions, thrillers, suspense, politics, health and fitness, cook books, comics, computer technology, business, investments, children books, bibles, arts, photography, biography etc. And try to specify age groups and or standard categories required. Than either come back to the forum and ask again or get in touch with me directly since sourcing might involve more than one supplier, but chances of high discount around 50% could apply if proof of purchase for school is genuine and made available to vendors. Good luck, Ben Bandido.