Job Market in Bolivia?

by James

Hi, I'm 23, a US citizen and a college student in the US. I'm studying International Relations (Spanish language base) with an emphasis in economics and a minor in Transportation and Logistics. After school, me and my fiancé (Bolivian citizen) will be moving to Santa Cruz to start our lives together. I have had nothing but pleasant experiences while visiting there and am very much looking forward to living there! Having said that, I do have a concern with regards to finding a job there. My spanish needs improvement, and I don't know the market for jobs well in Bolivia at all. English is my native language, however I don't know if that means anything in the Bolivian job market. I'm wondering what the job market is like for a foreigner, in particular a person from the US. Also, what are some common jobs in Bolivia? I believe logistics is a big focus, but I'm not sure. Anything to help me get an idea about the job market itself or any obstacles I may face in regards to employment would be very helpful. Thank you!

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Jun 12, 2017
Wants people for job
by: Tasvir singh


I am working in Internation company of India. My company whants More workers in Bolivia specially from Ia paz and Santa Cruz.
IF any body interested for a good job call me.English and spanish I speaks both.
Whats aap no-00918375886500
Skpe id-Devvartsansanwal

May 09, 2013
by: Anonymous

I need english native speakers for teaching english in a private University.

Nov 14, 2012
Expat Meetings
by: Brian

Teresa, when and where do expats meet?

From the webmaster: we attempt to meet once a month (it doesn't always happen but we try) in Santa Cruz. We try new places each time. To be sure you are included in the invites please register for our Bolivia Expat Meets on this page. If you are interested in meets in other cities, we are currently collecting names and when we see sufficient interest in other cities we will begin holding meets there as well. We have people in Sucre, Cochabamba and La Paz ready to plan them once we have a list of names. So if you are not in Santa Cruz, be sure to mark which city you are in on the Bolivia Expat Meets page.

Nov 08, 2012
Good luck
by: Gabriel

Hi. I think you're going to have a very hard time finding professional work, especially as a foreigner, ESPECIALLY especially as an American. You have to remember that Bolivia is a very poor country and wages are very low, even if you do find work. Of course, the cost of living is also very low, so you won't be in bad shape unless you want to travel outside the country.

My recommendation would be to focus your job search on international organizations that have donor projects in the country like the UN, IDB, MCC, Gates Foundation etc.

Jun 21, 2012
English Coordinator for St. Thomas of Aquinas School
by: Marjorie Mindel

I don't know what possibility there is of your finding a job in your professional field in Santa Cruz. However, as an English teacher and English Coordinator, I can tell you that anyone with a college degree, and experience in teaching English, can usually find a job teaching English (or subject areas in English) in one of the all-English-speaking schools or one of the English-intensive schools here in Santa Cruz.
Consider it as an option if you can't find a job in your professional area. You might want to ad a course in ESL or TESOL before coming down here. I wish you good luck, and look forward to seeing you and your fiancée at one of the Ex-Pat dinner get-togethers.

Jun 21, 2012
Please attend the Expat Meets in Santa Cruz, BO!
by: Teresa Brown de Pena

You will meet some people who can talk to you about your concerns... Please ask for me and my husband, Willy.

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