Juice Zen Cappucino Ice Cream

Juice Zen, on Avenida Monseñor Rivero right next to the Banco Bisa (in Santa Cruz) has amazing cappucino ice cream, probably the best I've ever tasted! Really creamy with a strong coffee and cream flavor. They also have these little brownies they serve in plastic cups over which you put a scoop of ice cream in any flavor you want and they are really good brownies, very dark and moist and chocolatey - not like the pale, dry, flavorless "pseudo-brownies" they serve at Alexanders and other places. The brownies with cappuccino ice cream are awesome!

2012 Webmaster Update: This ice cream shop is no longer called Juice Zen. Someone bought it and changed the name. However, the new owners seem to have kept the Juice Zen menu.

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Mar 25, 2015
by: Vettori

Sounds like a delicious ice cream to me. I would to have the recipe for preparing this particular ice cream and can anyone help me out to have this recipe. I would be glad if anyone can give the link to recipe or mail in the recipe itself.

Jun 19, 2011
no longer my favorite
by: Anonymous

Sadly Juice Zen's owner stopped making their own cappuccino ice cream and now orders it from somewhere else and it isn't nearly as good. Bummer.

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