Living and working in Bolivia - do you need to know exactly what you will be doing?

by LC
(London UK)

We have an idea to start a business in bolivia and wish to spend some initial time scoping this out. We expect to apply for a specific purpose visa because long term we envisage living and working there. Are there any conditions to the specific purpose visa (and then residency/work application) which ask for more concrete plans than this?

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Jan 26, 2012
Details Required for Specific Purpose Visa
by: Altiplano Bolivia

When you apply for a Specific Purpose Visa you need to include a letter to explain what your intention or purpose is for visiting, and then intending to live in Bolivia. However this can be more general. For example in your case you might simply say that you will be visiting to investigate the possibility of living here long term and starting a (certain type of) business.

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