
by NT

I grew up in Bolivia eating what we called milanesa, however, the website lists the same food as silpanchu. Is it just called by a different name in a different region? I am so very glad I found this website~I am having a lot of fun on it!

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Sep 18, 2012
by: Anonymous

no importa si es de carne roja o blanca...
son lonjas de carne condimentadas con sal,pimienta (roja o blanca o negra pero molida),ajo en polvo y si gustan una pisca de comino molido... la carne sazonada se martaja o paniza con pan rallado( a esta preparacion se la llama sillpancho en Cochabamba- Bolivia) .
Despues se prepara 1 o 2 huevos enteros batidos a mano con un tenedor con una pisca de sal y pimienta dulce,,si gustan se pone perejil muy finamente picado y se bate hasta que todo se integre ,en esta preparacion se sumerge la carne ya preparada y se reposa unos minutos luego se prepara un sarten se la calienta a fuego lento,,,se hecha un chorro de aceite esperar que caliente un poco ..sacar la carne sumergida en el huevo batido y poner directamente al sarten precalentado,,cocinar a fuego medio de ambos lados hasta alcanzar la coccion desada ,preferentemente hasta que este dorada por ambos lados servir con ensaladas y una papa o yuca blanca o en pan tipo sandwich....creanme la COMIDA BOLIVIANA ES MUYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY DELICIOSA

Apr 03, 2012
by: Anonymous

Thank you for helping me understand that better!

Apr 02, 2012
Milanesa and silpancho - similar but not the same
by: Anonymous

Milanesa and silpancho are very similar. Both are beef or chicken that is coated in bread crumbs and fried. However, silpanchos are traditionally pounded until they are almost paper thin and very large and round, covering almost an entire plate, while milanesa is not. Milanesa is much thicker.

There is also a difference in what they are served with. Silpancho is traditionally served over a bed or white rice and topped with a fried egg, fried plantain, and chopped tomatoes and onions (similar to Mexican "pico de gallo").

Milanesa is served with a variety of things. Some people serve it with mashed potatoes or French fries. It can be served a number of different ways. Usually is not served with a fried egg, but also can be.

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