military uniforms of bolivia

by samira

what is military uniforms of bolivia?

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Jan 02, 2011
Military uniforms of Bolivia
by: Anonymous

That's a really good question, Samira, especially since the Bolivian government changed the design of some Bolivian military uniforms in 2010. As of last year, the Bolivian Armed Forces now display both the original Bolivian flag and the "whipala" on their uniforms as well as several other new symbols that represent the indigenous peoples of Bolivia.

Bolivia has three major military sections: the Army (Ejercito), the Navy (Armada) and the Air Force (Fuerza Aérea). Each of these has operative units, special units, and command units. They use different uniforms for different occasions such as when they are training, in combat, or at important events (in which case they use more formal dress uniforms).

You may find some photos of the different uniforms used (including historical photos of uniforms that are no longer used) at the official websites of the Bolivian Armed Forces:

The Army (

The Navy (

The Air Force (

There are also some pre-military forces (in training), some reserved forces (already trained but only working part time) and some special forces (units that are very highly trained in specific functions) such as the Diablos Rojos, Diablos Azules, and Cóndores.

Bolivia also has Cascos Azules (United Nations "Blue Helmet" peacekeeping forces).

The Ministry of Defense ( has some pretty good pictures of the different uniforms used, plus an explanation about each of the branches of the Bolivian armed forces (especially pay attention to the top title header of the page because the photos change continually and you can see lots of different uniforms and some are really cool).

Bolivian National Police (

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