Need Info on Working in Bolivia - Teaching in Santa Cruz

by Stephen

I'm trying to find some information regarding teaching English in Santa Cruz. Is it possible you could send me any relevant information plz?

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Dec 27, 2011
offering work
by: pall mall

1). offer work as personal secretary per month 1800 bolivion. 2). travel guide per month 1300 bolivion. 3). taxi dryver with taxi negotiabul.
emai and cell number 78043867

Nov 07, 2011
Teaching in a school vs. institute of English
by: TJ

Yes, there schools where English is taught as a subject to children and teens, which run on a "school schedule" as Margie explained in her comment. By the way, she is an excellent resource!

There are other places which specialize in teaching English called "institutes". They run a continuious schedule. They teach year round and they teach children, teens and adults. There are many institutes here in Santa Cruz.

You can also teach privately, giving individuals or small groups of students classes, such as in their workplace.

...looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Nov 07, 2011
English Coordinator for St. Thomas School
by: Margie Mindel

There are several all English-speaking schools in Santa Cruz, the American Cooperative School,the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center, the Santa Cruz International School, Cambridge College, and Eagles' School. Others have intensive English classes, such as Saint George School, St. Thomas of Aquinas School, and possibly others.
The school year for all but the Cooperative School and the Christian Learning Center starts in Feb. and ends in Nov. The other two start in August and finish about the end of May. I can give you e-mail addresses for some of them if you'd like, or telephone numbers since I know some of the directors. Are you looking for elementary or middle/high school?

Nov 06, 2011
Teaching English in Santa Cruz, BO
by: TJ

Hola Amigo!

I would be very happy to help you answering any questions you have about teaching English in Bolivia. In order to do that, it would be helpful to include some background information such as

how long you plan to be here,

for pay or as a volunteer,

what type of setting .. religious or not,

teaching children, teens and/or adults,

basic, intermediate and/or advanced

will you be coming alone or with a friend or group

... Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

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