Oscar Ichazo is the most famous person from Bolivia
by Nathan Thuma
(Saint Helena)
Oscar Ichazo (DOB 7-24-1931) is the most influential Bolivian of modern times. He founded a mystical school in Arica, Chile in 1970, in the tradition of Plato's Academy and others, which he brought to new York and the rest of America in 1971 and beyond. His resurrection of true Western mysticism, featuring Trialectics and Protoanalysis, among many other discoveries and Teachings, are not to be ignored. He is one of those rare geniuses on the order of Zoroaster, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, The Buddha, Alexander the Great, Sir Isaac Newton, and the like. Please pay attention to his work via the Arica School. Take their trainings for clarifying consciousness and gaining enlightment. Oscar is very highly regarded. He has American citizenship and lives with his wife in Hawaii.
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