Para Los Ninos - SEDGES facility Virgen de Fatima in Obrajes (La Paz)

by Miriam Lenehan
(Aberdeen, Scotland)

There is plenty of work to keep many volunteers occupied at this Children's Home. Without volunteers the babies would be unstimulated and get little care and attention apart from a one-to-one session every few days with physiotherapists. Volunteers are also essential in running afternoon activities for the children aged 3 - 7. Without the volunteers the children would be stuck inside their small houses for most of the afternoons. There are suites for newborns, infants, toddlers and then houses (5) for approximately 80 children aged 3-7. We found the babies and children relatively well dressed and cared for. Education is provided in the facility with elder children going to external schools. We worked with babies in the morning - feeding, clothing, changing, washing, playing and assisted with the activities in the afternoon for 3-7 year olds, exercises, reading stories, playing games and music. Some visits to the zoo and cinemas are carried out when money and resources permit and again volunteers are essential for this. The children are loveable and while some can be a handful it is so rewarding. It's an easy place to say goodbye to (La Paz) but most volunteers will shed a tear or two saying goodbye to the smiling faces that have greeted them so warmly.

Please give these babies and children a little of your time. You don't know how they've been treated in the past or who may give them love and attention in the future.

Comments for Para Los Ninos - SEDGES facility Virgen de Fatima in Obrajes (La Paz)

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Mar 21, 2015
How can we contact them?

Do you happen to know if this organization has a new website? We have received a question about them, but their former website does not seem to be working. Would appreciate if you have any current contact information for them. Thank you!

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