Pastel de Quinua - Quinoa Quiche

by Cecilia Zbinden
(Santa Cruz Bolivia)

Para 5 porciones / Makes 5 portions

300g quinua en grano / 300 grams quinoa grains
100g queso rallado / 100 grams shredded cheese

2 Cebollas medianas / 2 medium onions
2 tomates pelados / 2 peeled tomatoes
2 ramitas de perejil picado / 2 sprigs of parsley
3 cucharadas de aji colorado molido / 3 tablespoons of ground red or yellow chili pepper
Ajo picado al gusto / Garlic to taste
Condimentos al gusto / Add spices to taste
Sal al gusto / Salt to taste


Hacer cocer la quinua hasta que el grano este pastoso.

Boil the quinoa grains until they are thick mushy


Poner al fuego una cacerola con el aceite, agregar la ceboll picada finamente, el ajo, el perejil picados y el aji retostado 10 minutos.
Engrasar una fuente de regular tamaño. Mezclar la quinua cocida con la mitad del queso rallado y cubrir el molde con media parte de la quinua cocida con el queso. Colocar encima del relleno y distribuirlo por toda la superficie. Rociar con el queso restante.

In a pot place the oil, finely chopped onion, garlic, chopped parsley, and hot peppers for 10 minutes. Grease an appropriately sized baking pan. Mix the cooked quinoa with half the shredded cheese and spread half of this mixture on the bottom of the baking pan. On top, place the filling and distribute it along the entire surface. Sprinkle this with the remaining shredded cheese.

Cubrir todo con el resto de la quinua, uniformar la superficie con una espatula.

Cover this with the remaining quinoa covering the entire surface uniformly with a spatula.

Poner al horno durante 5 a 10 minutos hasta que dore la superficie.

Place it in the over for 5 to 10 minutes until the surface has browned.

ENJOY IT! From: Cecilia Zbinden

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Jan 07, 2020
Quinoa is bland
by: Anonymous

The flavor of quinoa is bland, not unlike rice, but just a little more flavourful than rice. It is perfect because it can be served with any type of food, both sweet (in the form of breakfast cereal, for example) and savoury (in salads, as a side dish, baked in the oven, etc.)

It should be cooked until it is completely soft and fluffy just like rice. We went to a restaurant in North Carolina one day and ordered a quinoa side dish to a steak. It was awful! Their chef clearly did not know what quinoa was or how to cook it. We were served a side of hard, nutty seeds. We asked for a doggy bag and threw them out to the birds on the beach LOL

Jan 07, 2020
Kind of like a quinoa hot dish
by: Anonymous

I tried your recipe. It's soft and really nice. It gets a little toasted on the top and inside is soft like a rice or potato hot dish. I enjoyed it!

Apr 16, 2015
by: Anonymous

it is really good it sort of tastes like rice

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