Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on our homepage.
The Information We Collect:
This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on the website. On some pages, you can order products, add your own pages to the site, make requests, and register to receive materials. The types of personal information we MAY collect at these pages are:
Name, Country, Email address, Website URL

The Way We Use Information:
Should you purchase products through our website affiliate links, we use the information you provide about yourself when placing an order only to complete that order. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to complete that order.
We use the information you provide about someone else when placing an order only to ship the product and to confirm delivery. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to complete that order. We use return email addresses to answer the email we receive. Such addresses are not used for any other purpose and are not shared with outside parties.
You can register with our website if you would like to receive our newsletter as well as updates on our new products and services. Information you submit on our website will not be used for this purpose unless you fill out the registration form. We use non-identifying and aggregate information to better design our website and to share with advertisers. For example, we may tell an advertiser that X number of individuals visited a certain area on our website, or that Y number of men and Z number of women filled out our registration form, but we would not disclose anything that could be used to identify those individuals.
Finally, we never use or share the personally identifiable information provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described above without also providing you an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.
We display affiliate ads which, when clicked on by you, may take you to a different website. Each of those websites will have their own privacy policy. While you navigate that website, and if you purchase a product or service from that website, the privacy policies of that website (not the privacy policy) will apply to your visit.
Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on our site.
Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to our users based on their visit to our site and other sites on the Internet.
Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the
Google ad and content network privacy policy.
Our Commitment To Data Security:
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.
Our Commitment To Children's Privacy:
Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. For that reason, we never collect or maintain information at our website from those we actually know are under 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13.
Although our Bolivia for Kids section is not specifically geared to an under-13 target audience, we realize the Bolivia for Kids section MAY be visited by children under 13 for elementary school projects; therefore, we clearly request children do NOT share personal information of ANY type and always suggest they request parental or adult guidance. Any questions or comments sent in through our kids forum are manually approved, edited and/or rejected. No personal information that may identify a child will ever be published online.
How You Can Access Or Correct Your Info:
You can access all your personally identifiable information that we collect online and maintain by
sending us an email
through this form. We use this procedure to better safeguard your information.
You can correct factual errors in your personally identifiable information by sending us a request that credibly shows error. To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections.
How To Contact Us:
Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies, please
send us an email.
Our Travel Forum Rules:
Please note that our forums ARE NOT a free venue to post hateful, slanderous, racist, discriminatory, pornographic or spam. We review and approve each message prior to allowing it to post online. We eliminate commercial spam or links and/or any messages mentioning lawsuits between you and anyone else. We allow tourist travel stories mentioning suggestions, reviews or recommendations of certain companies, but companies themselves may not use our forums as free advertising. If you want to advertise your company or services on our site, you can contact us for ad rates. Please keep in mind that many children visit this site. We reserve the right to not publish any contribution that isn't in keeping with our site objectives, and to ban any habitual abusers of our forums.
What we think about plagiarism:
We love to share! You can share or link any page of our site to another, simply by clicking on the social media buttons at the bottom of every page. There, you will also find the URL of the specific page you are on. However, please take a moment to consider NOT copying and posting any of the text or photos on our website onto any other website or blog you or anyone else creates, unless you also give us credit for the hard work and effort we have put into building for you. We go to great lengths to ensure the information we provide is authentic, up-to-date, and written from our own personal experiences. Please credit on any links back to our site or other ways in which you refer back to the information you gathered from our website. To not do so, is considered plagiarism, something we are NOT cool with.
Advertising Disclosures
We run third party advertisements through Google which are clearly identified as such.
Words that are double-underlined are text ads through
We also have several affiliate advertisers and sponsors that include, but are not limited to: If you click on their ads or text links and and make a purchase, we receive a small commission.
We always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on the topics or products we write about.