Question about Tarija

by Rodolfo
(Valparaiso ,Chile)

When is the Tarija info page going to be finished.

In response:
I'm planning a final trip to Tarija in a month. I am also awaiting information to be provided by a top tour agency on all the destinations there and info offered by the Prefecture in Tarija. As with all our sections we're being VERY thorough! :-)

I'm glad you asked! Since we don't get a lot of questions about Tarija, it's hard to know if people really are interested. Your feedback lets me know that really good first-hand information about Tarija is in demand.

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Jun 26, 2010
Travel Tarija Bolivia: Our New Tarija Section is Now Complete!
by: BoliviaBella

Check it out. Our new Tarija section is now complete. It has nearly 50 pages and has taken over six weeks to design. Enjoy!

Apr 14, 2010
We're back from Tarija!
by: BoliviaBella

We're back from Tarija and working on our Tarija section. Here are some pages to get you through the wait:

Join our Facebook group. We're posting announcements about pages as we finish them:

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