Questions about getting a Bolivia visa in Lima (Peru)?

by Bertrand

Hi, how much time does it take to get a Bolivia visa in Lima? And how much? Regards. B.

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Aug 30, 2012
Visa to Bolivia
by: Rebeca

Singapore is in group II of countries, that means you can get a tourist visa upon arrival or in the border, no need to get it in advance. Only for tourist visa.

But if you want to apply for residency then you need Special Purpose Visa (visa de objeto determinado). Even though you can get in Bolivia, after your arrival, it is cheaper to get it in Lima if you are there.

Aug 29, 2012
Contact information for the Bolivian consulate in Lima, Peru
by: Anonymous

Try contacting the Bolivian Embassy in Lima, Peru to ask them how long it would take. Be sure to state to them whether you are going to apply for a tourist visa (visa de turista) or a specific purpose visa (visa de objeto determinado). You will need to tell them which country you are from.

Los Castaños Nº 235, San Isidro;
Lima 27, Perú
Tel.: (51-1) 422 8231
Fax: (51-1) 222 4594

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