receiving packages from home

Hi, forgive me for posting but I really can't find this information anywhere else on your great site. Is there a de-minimus limit on packages below which customs will not be interested? I need to receive some items from home (Europe), sent by courier, and which cost less than US$100 in total when purchased. This includes a used mobile phone. I know this is a lot of money in Bolivia however.

In your experience, do you think this package will ever arrive (in one piece) and what kind of import duties may be liable?

thank you

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Jan 26, 2011
Packages from home
by: Anonymous

I know from personal experiences that if the parcel is over 2Kg you have to pay to collect your parcel. Even though its coming by courier somestimes they just send it to the post office where you pay a tax at a bank plus at the post office.

Some times things arrive and sometimes not.
Generally with a Courier company you are safe.


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