RoadRunners in Samaipata Bolivia

by the RoadRunners
(Samaipata, Bolivia)

We are the RoadRunners. The oldest tourist information office in Samaipata, Bolivia.

Our website is and there you can also see if you like our way of doing things.

Why us? Because we are different. For example, no-one pays anything in advance and if our customers don't get what we promised them, they don't have to pay at all. We are convinced our service is perfect and our tours fantastic. And why is that? Because we like what we do. It's that simple.

Olaf, Frank, Maarten
the RoadRunners

Comments for RoadRunners in Samaipata Bolivia

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Jul 12, 2015
Tour for tomorrow 13/7
by: Laura


We are actually in Santa Cruz and we would like to go to amborosso tomorrow. We know we are a littke bit late, but do you have 4 places free for tomorrow? We are looking forward to it, friends of ours told so many good things about you.

Hope to hear from you soon,
You can contact me via email:

Sincerely yours,


Apr 29, 2013
say to maarten
by: Anonymous

Maarten gran ladron estafador , racista , debe saber que hay gente trabajando para hechar a este indeseable tipo de Samaipata por sus malas acciones contra personas que han trabajado con el o para el ,que sepa que todo el mal que ha hecho lo va a pagar y que se le va a llevar a juicio ,tambien por posesion ilegal de armas , por matar animales ajenos y por no pagar a la gente que hizo algun trabajo para el pues no paga como deberia ser sino que engana a los trabajadores , ya somos varias las personas que estamos trabajando con abogados de derechos humanos y abogado privado ,tambien se le va a llevar a juicio por sobornar (comprar) a la policia , diganselo a este tipo fascista y a la china de su concubina , las ganas de hacer mal se le van a terminar rapidito , por si pensaba que podia hacer lo que quisiera , avisenlo porque va a ir preso

Jul 10, 2011
hi Annette and Nicolai
by: Tess

hi Anette and Nicolai,

my excuses for leaving without saying goodbye. i couln't find you and had to leave. tank you all roadrunners for your information and honest help!

you can find me on facebook

Tess van Eck

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