Saltenas in Canada!

(Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)

Saltena...con queso!

Saltena...con queso!

Dear BoliviaBella, I recently posted a bit of my saltena-making adventures in Canada, and you replied that you might soon need photo confirmation. Well, it just so happens that I have indeed started documenting my progress. So, here is a peek. You may note that the photo reveals a cheesy component to the filling. This is by no means a permanent part of my recipe, and I will admit that the cheese makes it less Bolivian, but it sure is delicious, and I'd like to think of it as a Canadian twist to saltenas. Bien provecho!


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Nov 24, 2019
Informacion Saltenas
by: Anonymous

Quiero saber si venden ssltenas en Winnipeg porfavor. Enviame los datos a mi correo


Aug 04, 2010
by: Anonymous

Bueno, no sé si lees mucho inglés pero abajo alguien le sugirió "empanadeña" notablemente con un poco de humor - claro que este es un foro, donde se supone que rigen las opiniones y ninguno tiene la última palabra - tal como suele ser con las salteñas en Bolivia donde cada familia suele tener su propia receta.

Aug 04, 2010
Saltenas con queso no son saltenas.....
by: Meliton

.... aqui en Canada y en la China. Si quieres modernizar lo que haces como saltenas, CAMBIALE DE NOMBRE.

Feb 22, 2010
congratulations on your great salteña efforts
by: Bella and Chef Noly

Hey CanadianoBoliviano! Chef Noly of Noly's Salteñas in Chicago has a surprise for you! She'd like to congratulate you on your efforts - you get a special Noly's Blue Ribbon! Guess what else! We have another surprise for you! Click on the blue ribbon to find out what it is!

Join Bella and Chef Noly on Wacataya Wednesdays!

Jan 14, 2010
your canadian saltenas look delicious
by: BoliviaBella

Hi CanadianoBoliviano. Wow, your salteñas look amazing. It's evident that you really have perfected the crust! I'm moving your message to our Really Rad Recipe roster so everyone else can enjoy seeing this. As you've seen on our ever-growing discussion about salteñas there are a lot of frustrated people trying to figure out how to get them right! So when are you gonna open the first Bolivian salteñería in Winnipeg? ;-)

p.s. you seem to have found a way to combine a cheese empanada with a salteña - does that mean you've invented the world's first empanadeña? Haha.

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