Security of Foreign Investment, Land Ownership and Applicable Tax Rates

by Adam Taylor
(Santa Cruz)

I haven't had any experience yet, but am looking to someone who has.

I cannot seem to get a straight educated - or referenced - answer from anyone, and each piece of advice I am given seems to be slightly different from the previous advice.

Can anyone shed some light on these issues:

Foreign Ownership Law
Land Ownership and Clear Title for Foreigners
Security of Foreign Investment
Applicable Tax Rates for Foreign Investors and/or Companies doing business in Bolivia.

Also, if there are any reference sites or publications that you could recommend it would be greatly appreciated.

I see a lot of opportunity in the 'New Bolivia', in particular, Santa Cruz.

I hope that I can provide supporting evidence for the above concerns that allows me to be able to do business with some of you n the future.

I would appreciate any help or direction that you may be able to provide.


Adam Taylor

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Jun 28, 2008
response to adam
by: Anonymous

Hello Adam
I don't have your email address, thus can't respond directly to you. I can give you some information and websites to look at - please send me a message through my form on this page: including your email address so I can respond to you - with this secure form your email will not show up on the site.
In the meantime begin by looking at these web pages (I am assuming if you are doing business here you speak some Spanish unless you tell me otherwise):

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