Slow cookers in Bolivia?

Have you found slow cookers anywhere in Bolivia?

I'd like to buy one and they are pretty heavy (and take a lot of space in luggage) to bring from another country.

I don't mean rice cooker, those I've seen, but a slow cooker. Any brand will do. I live in Cochabamba, but all suggestions are welcome, since we travel around.



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Oct 19, 2022
Bolivia is modern
by: Anonymous

You can get any type of cookers, electronics in Bolivia.
We would go every year to spend time with the family, and bought many items that were non existing in the USA.
My first rice cooker.
Just remember if you are at high altitude ,recipes have to be changed for high altitude.
Bolivians in general prefer pressure cookers, I bought one in LA Paz that is also a slow cooker, and fry dry.

Jul 07, 2016
Slow cookers in Bolivia?
by: Marjorie Mindel

There are a number of brands of slow-cookers here. I bought mine in Casa Jerusalem in the center of Santa Cruz, but I'm sure that you can get them in other electrical appliance stores.

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