Teatros de Santa Cruz

Hello, I have been looking for opera theatres in santa cruz de la sierra. I believe that the best opera-style theatre in the whole country is in sucre and it's called "teatro gran mariscal sucre". LaPaz has, I believe, has the second best and it's called "teatro municipal" also known as "teatro alberto saavedra perez". And I found pictures of the inside of both theatres. But what I can't find is pictures of at least one theatre like those I've just mentioned in santa cruz. About a year and a half ago, I went to the "teatro gabriel renee moreno" in santa cruz to see a serious argentinean theatre production called "El Tenor". But I couldn't believe that it was performed in the "teatro moreno" which is very old and not the kind of venue for such a production (it's an old movie theatre). In buenos aires, I've been to plays in small venues that looked as sophisticated as the "teatro colon", which is in that same city. I was embarrassed that they could even be offered to perform in that theatre in santa cruz. And venezuelans are now offering links for us to see their theatres in caracas (they seem to be doubting that sucre or bolivia is prepared to host the 2009 bolivariano games), and in one of their links that they had left in a website of those games it was titled, "caracas es cultura". And they have many great theatres. I'm sure columbia, ecuador, peru...not to mention brazil, chile, and uruguay have many and great theatres, too. With the way santa cruz is starting to look, I'm dying to see new theatres of the most modern kind in that beautiful beautiful city that belongs to our beautiful country that has an abundance of culture. So please show some pictures of "any" theatres (non-movie) that you have or can find of santa cruz de la sierra as soon as you have a chance. Thank you very much. And thank you so much for this website. God Bless you.

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Aug 19, 2010
by: Yves

No, you're definitely not the odd one out, Bella: I'm about to finish a year of volunteering work here in Bolivia, in an orphanage, and going to the Brussels Opera is surely one of the first things I'll do when I get back.

Jan 24, 2010
there are no real opera theaters in santa cruz
by: BoliviaBella

Hey Tony. I thought you might be interested to know that a rock opera was in town last week (She). The opera was presented at the Eagles School theater. I was wondering how it would go and how well it would be received. Apparently it went very well.

This article was in El Deber today.

Nov 04, 2009
opera theaters in santa cruz
by: Bella

Hi Tony. This is one point I COMPLETELY agree with you on. I'm just DYING for some good opera in a decent venue. I love the opera and musicals. It's very difficult for me not to have that here. And I think really large centers like the Tajibos Convention center would do in size, but the acoustics probably aren't appropriate.

I'm also somewhat disappointed that cruceños don't seem to have much of an interest in opera. I wonder if a larger, better venue hasn't been established simply because the doubt arises as to whether it would fill. You know cruceños are extremely enterprising - as soon as they see there is an interest in something, somebody builds it, imports it, establishes it or creates it. So I'm prone to think that if the idea has come up, it's been put off because of the potential lack of attendees. (Or possibly because the majority of the population wouldn't be able to afford to attend).

I've been living here in Santa Cruz since 1997 and have yet to see an opera theater, but I'll do some research for you. There's a new cultural center being established in Santa Cruz downtown. It was inaugurated last month but they're still putting some finishing interior touches on it. It's supposedly going to be the largest in the country. I've been planning to wander on over and see what it will include so I'll definitely ask if this is in their plans (and if they'll let me take photos).

Thanks for your great message. Loved it! Glad to see I'm not the only one missing the opera. I was beginning to feel like the odd one out...

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